City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

16.14.060 General requirements and standards.

(A) General Requirements and Standards.

(1) The setbacks from streets required by the schedule of zoning district regulations shall be fully landscaped except in single-family districts where parking may be permitted as specified in this title.

(2) All landscaped areas shall be protected by six-inch concrete curbing.

(3) Parking and circulation areas shall be landscaped according to the requirements this title.

(4) The use of turf is limited to rear yards of residential projects.

(5) Landscaping should be used to separate parking and vehicle circulation areas from buildings, to provide a visual landscaped foreground for buildings, and to enhance the perimeter of a project.

(6) Live plant materials generally should be used in all landscaped areas.

(7) Landscape planters abutting parking areas shall be sufficiently large to allow for vehicle overhang without extending into the planting area.

(B) Trees.

(1) Landscape plans for sites on major streets should include large-scale street trees, with deep root systems and broad canopies.

(2) Tree planting shall consider passive solar heating and cooling opportunities related to building orientation.

(3) Trees shall be provided in parking lot areas in a manner that provides shading of parked vehicles to the maximum extent feasible.

(4) Trees shall be properly supported. Stakes and ties on trees shall be checked regularly for correct functions. Ties shall be adjusted to avoid creating abrasions or girdling on trunks or branches.

(C) Hard Surfaces. Required planter or landscaped areas may be combined with pedestrian walks and similar hard surface areas, provided that such hard surface areas do not cover more than thirty percent of any required planter or landscaped areas. Ornamental or landscaping rock and gravel areas, artificial turf, or other areas covered with other artificial materials shall be considered hard surface areas for the purpose of this provision.

(D) Slopes.

(1) All manufactured slopes over five feet in height created by grading shall be fully landscaped utilizing a combination of trees, shrubs and groundcover materials.

(2) Stabilizing jute netting or equivalent netting shall be provided in conjunction with the landscape planting and shall fully cover lower slope areas.

(E) Installation.

(1) All landscaping and planter areas shall be installed consistent with an approved water efficient landscape plan prior to final building permit sign-off or granting of an occupancy permit for a project.

(2) Prior to the installation of landscaping in any public right-of-way, the developer shall provide for continued maintenance until such areas are accepted by the city or as defined in a subdivision improvement agreement.

(F) Maintenance. Required landscaped areas shall be continually maintained in good condition and kept clean and weeded. Good maintenance shall be interpreted to include: watering and maintaining water efficiency, weeding, pruning, insect and disease control, and replacement of plant materials and irrigation equipment as needed to preserve the health and appearance of plant materials.