City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

15.12.030 Definitions.

For the purposes of this chapter:

(A) "Construction" means the original construction of a new single-family residence, townhouse, apartment, restaurant, motel or hotel, industrial use, retail use, office use, or institutional use.

(B) "Traffic improvements" mean those roadway and intersection improvements identified in the Circulation Element of the General Plan, the current City Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Nexus Study, and the City Capital Improvement Program.

(C) "Traffic mitigation fee" or "traffic impact fee" or "traffic development impact fee" means that fee for traffic mitigation identified in the most recent traffic impact fee nexus study.

(D) "Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Nexus Study" or "Traffic Development Impact Fee Study" or "Fee Study" means the most recent study, adopted by resolution of the city council pursuant to Government Code Section 66000 et seq. (Mitigation Fee Act), of the nexus between traffic impact mitigation fees and traffic improvements needed to serve new development in American Canyon.