City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

15.08.020 Findings.

(A) The American Canyon general plan land use element identifies projected build out for the city of American Canyon; and

(B) The parks and recreation element of the general plan identifies the park facility needs of the community at build-out; and

(C) A portion of the land necessary will be dedicated by developers as conditions of subdivision approval while other developers may not have land of sufficient size, configuration, or quality for dedication. Where the payment of a fee is proposed in lieu of dedicating land, it is necessary to have an equitable fee structure in place; and

(D) The public services and facilities element of the general plan identifies the need for a police station, library, and other public facilities necessary to provide the range of services desired by existing and future residents; and

(E) It is the intent of the city council to adopt by this chapter a fair and equitable method of securing the revenues necessary to fund the construction and implementation of necessary parks, civic facilities, and the future general plan update.