City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

14.16.080 Acceptable wastes—Domestic and industrial sanitary sewage.

The physical, chemical and biological characteristics of domestic sanitary sewage shall be based on daily composite average of the discharge and shall conform to the following limits:

Domestic Sanitary Sewage
Waste Characteristic Maximum Concentration
Hydrogen ion concentration 5.0-10.0
Total dissolved solids 500 milligrams/liter
Turbidity 250 JTU
Color 500 CU
Biochemical oxygen demand 175 milligrams/liter
Chemical oxygen demand 500 milligrams/liter
Suspended solids 200 milligrams/liter
Settleable solids 10 milligrams/liter
Sulfide 0.5 milligrams/liter
Grease (vegetable based) 75 milligrams/liter
Toxicity (LC Bioassay) 25%
Detergent (MBAS) 10 milligrams/liter
Ammonia Phosphate (total) 25 milligrams/liter

The physical, chemical and biological characteristics of industrial sanitary sewage shall be based on daily composite average of the industrial discharge and not exceed the influent design limits of the city wastewater treatment facility as follows:

Industrial Sanitary Sewage Maximum
Allowable Concentration
Performance Parameter
BOD 200 milligrams/liter
TSS 220 milligrams/liter
TKN 35 milligrams/liter
Alkalinity ≤ 120 milligrams/liter as CaCO