City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

14.12.170 Sewer use regulations—Objective.

(A) It is the objective of the city to regulate and control the quantity and quality of the discharges into the sewer system so that they will not adversely affect the various collection, transmission, treatment, discharge requirements or environmental conditions; enhance opportunities to recycle and reclaim treated effluent and wastewater to meet requirements of the federal government and the state of California and their designated agencies.

(B) The adverse affects can include:

(1) Health and safety of personnel employed in the operation and maintenance of the sewage collection, transmission and treatment facilities;

(2) The operational cost, maintenance and durability of collection, transmission and treatment facilities;

(3) The quality of the receiving waters with respect to requirements established by the federal

government and the state of California through their properly designated and responsible agencies;

(4) The air quality and pollution abatement requirements established by the federal government and the state of California through their properly designated and responsible agencies;

(5) Damage, deterioration or excessive maintenance costs to sewage collection, pumping, treatment or disposal facilities;

(6) It is the general intent of the city to provide collection and treatment of domestic sanitary sewage and for commercial and industrial wastewaters that do not adversely affect the objectives stated hereinbefore and to provide equitable charges for the costs incurred.