City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

13.06.120 Water capacity fee—Intense uses.

(A) All projects within the city conforming to city zoning as industrial and all projects within the unincorporated area of Napa County, for which the city provides water connections pursuant to Section 13.10.040 of this title, shall be subject to a limitation on water service if and when the project's average day annual demand for water exceeds six hundred fifty gallons per acre per day on any parcel. The average day annual demand shall include an allowance for unmetered water losses of the city system as determined by the city engineer. In such cases, the applicant shall mitigate the consumption above six hundred fifty gallons of water per acre per day, average annual demand, as provided in Section 13.10.040.

(B) The city shall monitor the annual average daily demand, and in increments more frequently than once a year as deemed appropriate by the city.

(C) The city's provision of water services to projects located outside city limits shall be governed by Chapter 13.10 of this title and applicable state law.