City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

12.04.220 Trail use—Regulations.

(A) All persons and their pets shall remain on mapped and designated trails or areas.

(B) Smoking is prohibited except at designated areas.

(C) No person shall bring into, carry, or use in any way on the trails any firearm, air gun, pellet gun, or other weapon of any kind, or any instrument or device designed for or capable of hurling projectiles or missiles, or any fireworks or explosives of any kind except as otherwise permitted by state and federal law and persons with a valid permit to carry a weapon.

(D) Hunting and access to hunting is prohibited.

(E) All wildlife, plants, and natural objects shall be left undisturbed.

(1) No person shall move, remove, damage, deface or in any way molest or construct or alter any wildlife including trees, plants, shrubs, rock, soil, turf, wildflowers or wildlife, alive or dead, unless approved by the parks and recreation director.

(2) No person shall release any domesticated or wild animal, plant, flower, tree, seed, or other vegetation on trails.

(3) No person shall move, remove, damage, deface or in any way molest or construct or alter any geologic, archaeological, or historic object.

(4) No person shall disturb livestock or grazing animals.

(F) Fishing is permitted in the Napa River, but is not allowed in any pond or lake.

(G) Equestrian Use.

(1) Pedestrians and bicyclists shall yield to horses. Equestrians shall use caution when approaching or overtaking another person and shall make their presence known well in advance to the person.

(2) Equestrian use is permitted on trails or trail areas specifically designated for that use.

(3) Equestrians shall maintain control and speed of their animal at all times.

(4) Equestrians are encouraged to wear a helmet while riding.

(H) All or portions of the trails may be closed at any time due to maintenance and/or emergency needs. No person shall use, remain in, or enter a trail when it is posted as closed.

(I) Hand launch boats (canoes, kayaks, rafts, paddle boards, etc.) are permitted in the Napa River. Hand launch boats are not allowed in any pond or lake, unless associated with a designated launch site.

(J) Bicycle Use.

(1) Bicyclists shall yield to pedestrians and horses. Bicyclists shall use caution when approaching or overtaking another person and shall make their presence known well in advance to the person.

(2) Bicycle use is limited to designated trails. Off-trail riding is prohibited.

(3) Bicycles must obey posted speed limits.

(4) Bicyclists shall maintain control and speed of the bicycles at all times.

(5) Bicyclists shall wear a helmet in accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 21200 et seq.