City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

12.04.020 Alcoholic beverages.

No person shall serve, or caused to be served, consume or possess alcoholic beverages of any kind within the boundaries of land or within a building owned, managed, controlled or operated, as a city park, playground, or other park and recreational facility without first obtaining a permit from the city, except in areas designated by signage as a picnic area. Other than designated picnic areas, the parks and recreation director, or designee may, at his or her discretion, issue permits for the use, service or consumption of alcoholic beverages only at certain park and recreational facilities owned and operated by the city. Any permit issued may, at the discretion of the parks and recreation director or his or her designee, contain conditions as to the type and amount of beverages to be served, number of persons, time and place, security precautions, and any other conditions reasonably related to the maintenance of the public health and safety. When alcoholic beverages are being served pursuant to such a permit, the permit shall be on the premises and available for inspection by any authorized city employee.