City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

10.32.120 Parking—Commercial vehicles in certain areas designated by resolution.

No person shall park any truck, tractor, trailer, or other commercial vehicle of any kind, whose weight carrying capacity is one ton or more, for a period exceeding five hours, on any public street in any area of the city which, by resolution, the city council has designated as one to which such time limitation is applicable, and one which has been posted with signs giving notice of such parking limitation, except:

(A) While loading or unloading property and time in addition to such five-hour period is necessary to complete such work; or

(B) When parked in connection with, and in aid of, the performance of a service to or on a property in the block in which such vehicle is parked and time in addition to such five-hour period is reasonably necessary to complete such.